For our return trip from Kirkcudbright we thought we should try and see some red kites on the side of Loch Ken where, because of the Red Kite Trail, there is every likelihood of seeing them. As we approached the top end of the loch, however, we had almost given up hope, when just about Kenmure Castle, we had no less than eight kites wheeling about above us … marvellous sight! In the last post about The Solway Tide Tearoom, we talked of the difficulty of picking the right side and the stark ruins of Kenmure Castle are yet another reminder of precisely that. In 1716, in the Tower of London, Viscount Kenmure paid the ultimate price for his support of the Jacobites and that pretty much signalled the end of the once powerful Gordons of Lochinvar.
These days you don’t tend to lose your head simply for supporting the wrong side. Especially if you simply pret

end you didn’t! Mitt Romney, who picked Clinton and said that Trump was akin to the devil is now in line to be Secretary of State in Trump’s administration. What happened to integrity?
Daesh and crazy politics
Mind you, just when you thought politics could not get any more surreal on this side of the pond, Tony Blair is threatening a return to politics with his honchos, Jim Murphy and George Osborne. Apparently because he thinks today’s politicians are too weak. They may be right about today’s politicians but they also have a very tenuous grasp on reality. Blair’s ‘strong’ politics managed to provide us with nothing less that Daesh. In the modern world of crazy politics however … who knows, they might actually do it?
About a mile or so north of Kenmure Castle we came to the pretty little village of New Galloway. And it was sconetime! At this time of year many places are closed for the season but The Catstrand is an option we would probably have picked anyway. We have been here before and knew it to be good. Little villages like New Galloway, Moniaive and Thornhill sit prettily in their beautiful surroundings and give you the impression that they are a bit sleepy and nothing much ever happens. The Catstrand, however, proves that to be a complete myth. There’s a shop, a cinema, a concert hall, a bar, an art gallery .. oh, and a café!
Baked by the young chap behind the counter every morning, our scones did not disappoint. Lovely jam but unfortunately, once again, the only downside was the seemingly ubiquitous Rhodda’s cornish cream. Nothing specifically wrong with that. When you are in the heart of Scotland’s dairy country, however, why go all the way to Cornwall for cream? The answer is, of course, that it keeps for ever .. but still!
The Grump
Pat thought we should stay for the cinema which was showing The Grump which, for some reason or other, she thought I would enjoy … I disagreed!

DG7 3RN tel: 01644 420374 The Catstrand
It’s a nice friendly comfortable tearoom and the staff are really nice to. If your in New Galloway it’s worth stopping. They have a lovely little shop selling lots of different things as well a some nice jewellery.
Another adventure, there can’t be many places left in Scotland that you have not visited. I was interested to learn about Kenmure Castle, didn’t know it existed till you mentioned it.
New Galloway was a great motorcycle run from Prestwick but did not go through it on my recent cycling tour however I did see the red kites a bit further south, one perched on fence post at roadside, kind of like a vulture eying me up, there ain’t much protection on a bicycle, it’s strange what goes through your mind on the remoter sections of the route.
The Catstrand sounds/looks great, but can’t help wondering why Kitty’s was not your chosen watering hole.
Kitty’s would have been our destination however it is closed for the season and is also up for sale if you fancy buying it if you have 320k to spare.