This is yet another repost from 2016 at the Wineport on the Isle of Arran. Yes, even we are surprised at how many island scones we have consumed. Back in March, we were trying to narrow it down when we decided to repost island scones. But who would have thought we would still be doing it in the middle of July? Amazing but let’s get on with some serious grouching.
The 51st State
Day by day the UK is becoming more and more like the US. As the Union comes under increasing strain over COVID, no UK government official can now be seen on TV without the background being draped in Union Jacks. A desperate sign of newfound insecurities. Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon gets vilified for saying that she cannot rule out health checks on the border with England. Meanwhile, in Australia, the government has just closed the border between Victoria and New South Wales for exactly that reason. These are just two states within a country whereas Scotland and England are two different countries? Make of that what you will!
And like the US, our UK government now has a department to explain what our Prime Minister means when he speaks. Again like the US, usually, the exact opposite of what was actually said. In anticipation of the inevitable enquiry into their lamentable handling of coronavirus, Boris has attempted to offload blame. He said, “We discovered too many care homes didn’t really follow the procedures in the way that they could have.” In true Trumpian style officials then lined up to say that what he really meant was that care homes had done an absolutely brilliant and outstanding job. Unbelievable!
Back to 2016
This is a lovely spot, in Cladach on the outskirts of Brodick. Cladach actually used to be the main village before modern Brodick was built on the south side of the bay. Now, most of the former houses are used for small businesses. The Wineport is just one example. It probably derives its name from a small harbour area, now disused, a short way along the coast which at one time would have been used by all ferries and imports to the island.
Last year it came under new management and now provides a fantastic family-friendly relaxed atmosphere with all the facilities you could think of. Unlike Brodick Castle they use lots of local food and drink suppliers such as; Arran Dairies, The Arran Butcher, Island Cheese Company, Creelers, Arran Brewery, Taste of Arran, Arran Ceramics, and Arran Aromatics. That’s more like it. This place can show the National Trust for Scotland how to do it!
Outside the front door is a large beer garden, perfect for our kind of birdwatching. It’s at the start of the path up Goatfell, maybe we would catch sight of an eagle? We sampled some of the local beer and then because we had seen some scones on the bar, we thought we should give one a try. It came with lots of jam and the coffee came with a little piece of millionaires shortbread … nice touch. The scone was fine, lots of fruit but just a tad on the heavy side.
So, by way of a recap … as we sadly prepare to leave Arran after a great trip, all the scones have been enjoyable enough but we are left with a total of one topscone -at Machrie Bay Tearoom. Well done them.
Barcelona and the Saltire
Today, of course, is football day with the English and Scottish Cup Finals both being played. Arguably of more interest, however, is the Copa Del Ray cup final in Madrid between Barcelona and Sevilla. The Catalans are just as uppity as the Scots so the Spanish government, in their infinite wisdom, banned the use of the Estelada (Catalan flag) at the game. The Barcelona supporters, however, said they would use the Scottish Saltire instead. That was enough for the government to revoke its ban … the power of the Saltire! Grey wagtail might be the last to be added to the list. But we still have a little time left on Arran, so our final bird count won’t be revealed until the next post. Will there be an eagle on it?
KA27 8DE tel: 01770 302101 The Wineport
Earlier we were berating the National Trust for Scotland for not stocking Scottish produce in their cafés. Yesterday, at least they managed now got rid of their odious President, Neil Oliver over the equally odious David Starkey affair. His leaving may provide the Trust, with all its dukes, barons, earls and lords with a long-overdue and much-needed opportunity to have a long hard look at itself and how it manages its affairs.

Ah, fond memories. This post takes me back over 50 years.
Camping in Glen Rosa and Glen Sannox – walking up the Corrie white water path and the fantastic peaks of the Sannox and Rosa Horseshoes such as Cir Mhor, the Castles , the Witches Step and the magnificent Goatfell.
Being eaten alive by midges as we trudged the Island is search of a decent pint. At least the Wineport can now include in its list of local produce the excellent Arran Blonde.
I agree with your concern re the 51st state, but this is not a new phenomena. We should not forget Tony Blair’s complicity in following George W Bush into the mindless invasion of Iraq and its long term disastrous consequences.
I look forward to becoming the 28th State – provided countries like Monenegro and Albania don’t become members of the EU before us!
It will be great to get back to places like Arran again. Fingers crossed with a bit of luck in the not too distant future.
Hi there glad to see you revisiting the Wineport, it certainly deserves a second visit or third or forth. We look fondly at Arran first thing every morning and last thing at night, I have even cycled to Ardrossan today to watch the ferry disgorge it’s occupants and swallow the next lot for the return. We too are hopping to visit and sample the local fare, may even climb Goat Fell with grandchildren if I can persuade them to do it. Iona did it last year but young Arran has yet to to claim it.
Hopefully your next trip will produce that elusive top scone and eagle’s
Putting me to shame with all that exercise .. fair bit down to Ardrossan. You’re a lucky man being able to view Arran from home. Good luck getting the grandkids up Goat Fell!
Another lovely day on the Isle of Arran. Hope it’s not to long until we are back again.