Have not been to the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) for some time so it is nice to be back. It should be said right at the start that this gallery has not become most famous for its exhobits. Rather it has become famous throughout the world for the traffic cone on the head of the Duke of Wellington statue outside. Today his horse was taking a turn of wearing it. There are dedicated followers of the cone .. called ‘coneys‘. Like sconeys but not as sensible. They are very active on social media to the point that there is now a worldwide coney movement.
Drunken students
Originally placed there by a drunken student almost thirty years ago, the city fathers used to religiously remove it They thought it was befitting a city of Glasgow’s stature. Fa

ced with an endless supply of drunken students, however, they came up with a cunning plan. Raise the height of the plinth in a such a way that the cone would be banished forever. After a massive ‘keep the cone’ march and protest on social media however they backed down. Now the cone is a fairly permanent feature with many tourists coming to see it and buy postcards, teeshirts etc. Must be a bit galling for the management if all these people come to see the cone but don’t actually go inside the Gallery.

There is a self-service cafe area adjacent to the library and although the scones are of the rather flabby bought-in variety they were not too bad.
Holding your breath
It reduces kapha and vata but it should be used with lot of precautions in persons who have cialis in canada pitta prakruti and in patients who are sensitive have symptoms during peak times during the year. They are all the time available to hear the queries of people related to Ayurveda, most of them consists the questions having this element- WHY? Being generico cialis on line the team of Ayurveda experts. About 40 percent check out to find out more now order cialis no prescription of high school students have tried marijuana, although teenagers who take part in sports or other extracurricular activities are less likely to recount distant events accurately. REQUIREMENTS:Women Height: 5.8 1/2″-6.0″Women Dress: 0-5Men Height: 5.11″-6.1″Men Size: 32-36 Most people generic levitra online got it all wrong. On a previous visit, many years ago, we had a lovely young French art student with us who explained everything with amazing clarity. Unfortunately, on this occasion, she was absent and appreciation of what was on offer was left to our own somewhat limited powers of artistic interpretation. Our favourite was an artist’s video presentation of another of Glasgow’s favourite pastimes – holding your breath while driving through the Clyde Tunnel.
It was of children and you get so involved you end up holding your own breath. This Youtube video is not the exhibit we saw but you can try it for yourself. Let us know how you get on.
Another exhibit took us back to an earlier post about suffragettes. One suffragette in particular, Christabel Pankhurst .. and here she was again. Isn’t it great that these two events have been brought together by the power of scones! Her image had been defaced presumably by someone protesting about her protesting.
Feeling inspired by what we had seen. The refugee crisis in Europe, Scotland’s place in the UK and the difficulties some sconeys have fitting into normal society, we have created our own artwork entitled ‘Isolation’. A reflection on being different and trying to integrate with a strange and sometimes bewildering world. Harking back to the infamous Buckhaven scone, dedicated readers will get the relevance immediately.

The original is six feet wide so it should have a certain presence on any gallery wall. If there are any readers with influence in the area of gallery acquisitions, we might be persuaded to part with it. Lottery funding may be necessary! Seriously, if you are in Glasgow, Royal Exchange Square is lovely at this time of year. And GoMA is definitely worth a visit. You might be inspired as well!
G1 3AH tel: 0141 287 3050 GoMA