It is not every day you drive 13 miles down a dead end single track road .. for a scone. Especially when neither of us were feeling great with flu still hanging on both of us. Was it worth all the effort? You bet! Greeted by Catherine and some very welcoming staff we were soon seated in front of a blazing log fire in the bar. Before long our scones were brought to us. They were toasted (wonderful touch) and with little jars of cream and jam, fantastic, what more could you ask for? Especially when you are not feeling one hundred percent.
And all excellent value considering the fabulous surroundings and the stupendous location.
Scones by the fire and fabulous view towards Ben Lui with a crannog in the foreground this scone experience could easily make it into our ‘top scones’ category.
Ardanaiseig (pronounced (ar-den-ass-ay) was built in 1834 by Colonel James Archibald Campbell when the journey was not a 13 mile drive on a single track road but one on horseback. They obviously thought it was worth it, and we agree. If you do make it you should also have a look at the huge oil painting in the dining room. The current owner (Bennie Gray, antique dealer) had it modified because he did not know anyone in the original. There are other similarly adapted paintings dotted around the corridors.

PA35 1HE tel: 01866 833333