Today we are back in Linlithgow having had all our cobwebs removed by storms Gertrude and Henry .. thankfully it has now calmed down a bit. This time, on the recommendation of several friends, we’re looking for Brodies tearoom. Not as simple as you might think.
It turns out they are in the process of revamping the tearoom and currently don’t have a name outside their premises. So instead of putting up our usual external header view we have given you a view of some the items in the loo. Apparently the plan is to take over another cafe further along the road. It will be ‘modern’ and this one will be their ‘vintage’ tearoom. From the decor you can see that it is already fairly vintage.
Less is more
Pat decided to have a fruit scone and I opted for a walk on the wild side with the white chocolate and pear. A new one on me. Both were very good but, yet again, not quite topscone material! Mine, however, was good enough to get a ‘top weird scone’ so at least we have been able to make an award. For those wondering, a weird scone is usually one that is not plain, fruit or cheese .. okay! Sometimes when you go into to a cafe like this you just know it is going to be good. So it was with Brodies. The food, the service were everything it should be. We hope though that when they finish their refurb the end result is not quite so cluttered. Or if it is that is more thoughtfully cluttered .. less is more kind of thing.
What’s in a name?
Just along the road from Brodies is a 13th century pub called The Black Bitch .. a name which is a trifle unusual in our modern, politically correct world. There is a perfectly logical reason, however, for the name. And indeed why anyone born in Linlithgow, man or woman, is referred to by the same name.
In times gone by, the King sentenced a thief to be tied to a tree on an island in the middle of the loch .. to starve to death. It would, of course, only have been a matter of time had it not been for the intervention of the thief’s big black greyhound dog (not the one made famous by Billy Connelly). It took it upon itself to swim out and keep him supplied with food. Maybe even the odd scone or two? When the King discovered what was going on the dog was tethered to a tree on another island until they both perished. Happy days!
The town’s folk felt the dog’s fidelity and generosity of spirit pretty well summed up their own character so they adopted for the town’s coat of arms. Henceforth anyone born in the town was referred to as a black bitch. Told you it was logical!
We think that George Gideon Osborne may have been born in Linlithgow. He certainly deserves the title but perhaps for different reasons! His eleven personal meetings with Google resulted in a 3% tax burden being levied against the corporation. Of course it would have been embarrassing to charge them more. His own family business doesn’t pay any tax on their property deals after all? This week he also managed to provide Aberdeen with a ‘super generous’ rescue package. Coincidentally, it exactly equals one month’s rental of the Crossrail tunnel boring machine. Like everything else, it is being built on the proceeds of Aberdeen’s oil .. collapsed or not!
Is that island in the loch still available? We’ll make sure no animals are endangered this time! In the meantime we look forward to Brodie’s expansion. Another report may be required?
EH49 7EJ tel: 01506 843036 Brodies