Here we are in the tiny village of Dores on the shores of Loch Ness and, not only that, we are still in the EU. After months of fever pitch Brexit guessing, the delay in leaving has left the media wallowing in a sea of nothingness. Thankfully, in order to give the hacks something to do, an invisible black hole has miraculously appeared voraciously sucking in the orbiting wreckage of political careers and credibility. Notre-Dame has also done the media a massive favour by simply burning down. Many years ago, Notre-Dame and its magnificent stone flying buttresses made us realise that maybe we are not as smart as we like to think these days. It’s all been done before even without the aid of modern technology. Anyway, we have gone from 24/7 coverage of Brexit to zero, it’s almost as if it was all just a bad dream.

Does any of this matter in Dores when you have six miniature people to look after? Not a bit of it! In fact after a walk along the beach, keeping a close eye on the water for Nessie, we had nothing other than scones on our minds.
Unrecorded deaths
Dores Inn is a great wee pub/restaurant, very much at the center of this community. At one time, almost too much at the center of the community. Around here, in times gone by, it was common for deaths not to be recorded at all. Apparently funerals, especially for those of some importance, could become quite riotous … much food and drink was taken. People feared dying simply because of the cost. At the time it was said that it was dangerous to be ill, expensive to die, and ruinous to have a funeral.
However, today in the glorious sunshine we are all very much alive and our only expense will be lunch and a scone. Their beer garden is rather cleverly called the OutDores Inn. However, even though the sun was shining there was a cool breeze coming in off the loch. We were fortunate to get a table inside that could accommodate all fourteen of us. Service was great and we were soon all catered for and Pat and I were sharing a scone. No cream but the scone itself was very good. No topscone unfortunately but we thoroughly enjoyed our time at Dores and look forward to a repeat visit sometime soon.
Unbelievably, Nessie did not make an appearance … maybe tomorrow? An appearance would certainly have displaced black holes and Notre-Dame as headline news. We are ‘almost’ missing the horrendous wall to wall coverage of Brexit. If they keep this up perhaps the whole sorry mess will just be forgotten about? Or perhaps not!
IV2 6TR. tel: 01463 751203 Dores