It was a surprise when our correspondent, the Pedant, reported the existence of a café in the tiny hamlet of Monzie. It’s not so much that Monzie is isolated, it’s just a few miles from Crieff after all. It’s just that it’s on a very minor road that hardly anyone uses. If you were to be run down on this road it would most likely be by a farmer on a tractor or a speeding quad bike.
Happy days
On the other hand, I know it extremely well. As a young lad, my brother and I, came to our aunt and uncle’s house in the summer and it was just a few hundred yards from here. Looking back these were idyllic days. This piece of country was our adventure playground. No water in the house … we had to collect it every day from a spring, however, I don’t remember anything remotely resembling hardship. And the sun shone every day! On reflection, of course, it couldn’t have been easy for my aunt and uncle without all the modern day paraphernalia we now take for granted but they always seemed extremely happy with their lot. Of course, maybe they were just happy when I was there?
Green machine
My aunt had magical powers. She employed them when she made banana flip. A seemingly ordinary dish consisting of custard and, you guessed it, bananas. No one else, however, came within a million miles of making it the way she did. My uncle was a jolly round man and, for me, a kind of superhero. Not only could he play any instrument he picked up, be it a trombone or an accordion, he drove a road roller. He was employed by the local Council. Not only that, he was allowed to take it home at night. This huge lumbering green machine sat there outside the house as an object of complete wonderment to a wee boy. A big rearing horse badge on the front … like a ferrari but much better!
Laying claim
Anyway, it turns out that the Mill House at Monzie is now run as a boutique B &B. When it has gaps in it’s B&B calendar they do this pop up café so it’s only open now and then. But would a café in such a quiet spot be successful? It was crying out for further investigation. We arrived on a beautiful sunny day to find that we were the only ones there. The café itself is well appointed and it had a range of fantastic looking gateaux … and scones.
The delightful young chap who looked after us said that he could not lay claim to the cakes but he could with the scones. He had baked them earlier. So far so good!
All the scones were plain so we had one each. They came with loads of butter, jam and cream. All the jams were home made. The coffee and tea was excellent as well. It all looked very promising. We really hope that this pop up is successful because they obviously put a lot into it and everything we had was fantastic. The gateaux were to die for and scones were top. Well done Monzie! And when we were leaving others were arriving, hurragh!
Diary dates
If you want to visit this beautiful peaceful part of the country and support this venture, here are the dates it will be operating.
- 1. Tuesday 30 July – 1 Aug 10.30-4pm
- 2. Tuesday 6 – Saturday 10 Aug 10.30-4pm (Sat 11-5pm)
- 3. Tuesday 13 – Wednesday 14 August 10.30-4pm
- 4. Tuesday 20 – Thursday 22 Aug 10.30-4pm
Bats in the belfry
We couldn’t leave Monzie without visiting the church next door where my uncle was beadle for many years and pay respects at the superhero’s grave.My uncle used to take my brother and I along to the church to help him get it spic and span for the Sunday services. My aunt would do the flowers. At that time there were bats in the belfry, wonder if they are still there. The church was open so we were able to go inside and reflect on life in Monzie and elsewhere. My aunt and uncle led very simple but happy lives. Much of their time was spent helping others and in service to their community. About a million miles from Trump and his sad little mean life.

PH7 4HE tel: 07815 737130 Mill House Café FB
ps One of our Aussie correspondents sent us this photo of a K6 at Airlie Beach in the Whitsunday region of Queensland. It wasn’t underwater! The chap floating above it was advertising surfing stuff. Unfortunately its position meant that the manufacturer’s badge was inaccessible.
Useful link: things to do in Crieff
Looking forward to hearing about Boris!!
Thanks for the Aussie mention.
Cheers Mark and Julie
Who is Boris?? No problem, thanks for sending the pic
A place to visit, and stay, on return to Scotland . Hope it doesn’t get too touristy 🌞
The chances of it getting touristy are pretty remote Sue but who knows? Hope all is well in Dargaville.
We had a really lovely day out and thoroughly enjoyed our scones and cakes. I know how much Billy enjoyed his summers with his Aunt and Uncle and so it was good to come back to this area and share his memories. Please go to the pop up cafe if your anywhere near.
What a treat for you going down memory lane and how fortunate for us you took us long with you. Scones sound fab!
Cheers Mairi, it was a nice day all round.
Monzie sounds like a beautiful place – a must to visit if I get lucky enough to be home in Scotland again.
Your Aunt and Uncle sound awesome Bill – Family & Community are top of my list!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely memory.
Cheers Kay, glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks so much for the lovely review. It was a lovely surprise. We hope you come back again 😊
Thanks Alexandra, we know how much work is involved so we wish you well with the coffee house. Think a few of our friends may be making their way to Monzie.
Looks like a great place to visit..fond memories for you Bill….
Absolutely Inez, it was great to be back there.