Okay, after our post from Dumpton, this is another rather personal post. Pat has held a Macmillan Coffee Morning for the past few years in aid of Macmillan Nurses who look after people with cancer. They did a fantastic job with our son, Rory, when he was reaching the end of his life. They made things much easier for him and us.
Macmillan nurses provide free services to people living with cancer and their families. They work closely with patients to alleviate pain, manage discomfort, and boost overall well-being – both mental and physical. Yet, as a charity they are entirely dependent on public donations, hence the coffee mornings which are held all over the UK at this time of year.

Pat’s coffee mornings have become something of an institution. For a couple of hours every year our house is buzzing with a happy throng of people who come to support her and raise money for Macmillan nurses. Many are neighbours and people from the surrounding area. Some haven’t seen each other since the last coffee morning so there is the sound of joyous reunions everywhere. Friends and family, of course, are roped into to help with arrangements.

Our favourite coffee company, Henry’s, generously supplies a machine a lots of tea and coffee to ensure everyone is kept suitably refreshed.

Of course, with around sixty people attending there is also overspill into the garden.

With the world in such turmoil it’s great to be reminded that ordinary folk are just wonderful. A huge thanks to everyone who helped and gave so generously at the coffee mornings. Donations are still coming in so we will let you know the final total in due course.
What a wonderful cause for a fund raiser. Wendy and I reminisced that we were visiting right before you Coffee morning in 2022. Thinking of you all and your dear son, Rory.
Thanks Theresa.
Thanks Theresa, it’s become an annual event.
Very well done Pat and congratulations for raising
such a sum for Macmillans
Yes they are a wonderful charity
Lovely to see Kathleen and the girls at the helm 🙂
Thanks Wendy, it was great fun
Fantastic ! Well done Pat !❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Marilyn, it’s amazing what you can do with some tea and cakes
A great effort! Well done 👏
Thanks Kate