Here we are again visiting my elderly aunt in Callander. We’ve got a nerve, she’s not that much older than us. The last time we were in this cafe, however, was three years ago and back then it was called Applejacks. Now its undergone a minor name change to Fat Jacks. Don’t know what that’s all about because it still looks pretty much the same.

Square sausage
Our reason for being out and about was actually to visit the Cabin at Loch Lubnaig. When we used to travel this road every weekend going to Glencoe this was just a little lay-by with a litter bin as the only facility.

A few years back this café was built but because we were always on our way to somewhere else we have never stopped to investigate. We also realised that we would never stop there unless we made it our destination. So that’s why we ended up here. Just our luck, best laid plans and all that, it turned out to be just a serving hatch. No sitting in but lots of seats outside … and no scones …. argh! Heyho, it was a lovely day. We got a coffee and shared a roll and square sausage. We’ve been together many years now so Pat has got used to extravagant fine dining!

For a scone we had to backtrack to Callander, hence we ended up at Fat Jacks. Dedication or what? There were only cherry scones left so that simplified the decision making. They had obviously been baked as a large round then cut up in a triangular shape, a bit like a pizza. No cream or jam though. The lady behind the counter explained that the owners were trying to sell the place so there wasn’t a large selection of anything. And it had that kind of feel about it. The scone had plenty cherries and was nice enough but without the usual accoutrements it was never going to be a topscone.
Hells angels
Not to worry, it was lovely sitting in the sunshine watching the good folks of Callander going about their business. The general peace and quiet, however, was somewhat rudely interrupted by a gang of Hells Angels roaring into town on their Harley Davidsons. They parked right beside us in Ancaster Square and we watched with interest to see what would happen next. They took off their helmets and there wasn’t one of them below retirement age. Should have known … how else can you afford a Harley? They wandered off along the street … probably anxious to find a scone!
Progress ?
In our previous post from Applejacks you will doubtless remember us mentioning Scottish satirist James Thomson Callendar.

A couple of hundred years ago he published a book rather nattily entitled “The Political Progress of Britain or an Impartial History of Abuses in the Government of the British Empire in Europe, Asia and America since the Revolution in 1688 to the present time, the whole tending to prove the ruinous consequences of the popular system of Taxation, War and Conquest.” You’ve probably all read it by now but we wonder what he would have made of our progress since these days? Not much we suspect. Back then, however, he was obliged to flee the country for daring to criticise the government. No sense of humour or just unable to face the truth … you decide.
FK17 8ED tel: 01877 330370 Fat Jacks FB
I’ve been a wee bit slow in reading this latest, we are in London with children and grandchildren, not a lot of time to sit and read scones etc. Anyway, it was a lovely day up to Loch Lubnaig and then back down to Callendar, there is a great lack of places to get a scone, but the one we did get was a wee bit different in style and tasted not to bad.
Hello, Bill
Sorry to read that on this occasion the Scones , failed the test !! as you quite rightly say….No Jam….No Cream, what ever next I hear you say. However i’m pleased to report that your latest serving of the Scone Blog contains all of the usual accoutrements, that your loyal followers will have learnt to enjoy and expect.
PS, please give our best wishes to Pat.
Cheers Paul, one has to maintain standards!
Hi there, just to prove I also read your story’s
Like you we have ventured further afield, recently to Aberfoyle, though not on such a nice day as you experienced. Pity about that scone but it seems you frequent posher places than we do as my regular scone stop when cycling produces great scones and jam but with butter not cream, a bit of a disappointment really.
Returning to the first picture comments re aircraft crash sites it is real, and may even have been in influence in my later choice of career.
Myself and another local lad from Balquhidder walked/climbed out to the site, just over the hill from Loch Voil back around 1960-63
This was prior to most of wreckage being removed by army. The following link provides a little more info.
I did like the window and your comments
Hi David, the caption was included specifically to irritate you. Thanks for the link
That wins prize for best book title — also a prize for best cafe design even sans scones – and definitely best cabin view.
Cheers Carrington, I knew you would have read it.