Imagine staying at Coll Hotel and not having a scone. We never thought to ask because there was nothing to indicate that they did that sort of thing. It wasn’t until Sophie, our hostess with the mostest, heard that earlier we had had a scone at the Island Café that she informed us that a scone at the hotel was no problem whatsoever. Brilliant, only problem was we were leaving in just over an hour to go and catch the ferry back to Oban.
We were commanded to sit at a table where we could look out over the gardens and Loch Eatherna.
Before that, however, we should tell you about Pat’s sheep experience that she had just outside the hotel. A lamb at the side of the road started to bleat at her as if in distress. By the time I caught up she was quite convinced that it was trying to tell her something. And it was! Eventually, we figured it out when its mother appeared equally distressed, bleating frantically. They ran towards each other but a solid stone wall was separating them. In spite of running up and down they weren’t going far enough to get round the wall. Pat eventually shooed the lamb towards the end of the wall. The reunification was a joy to behold.

Before you could say Jack Flash we had our scone together with nice little bowls of jam and cream as well as our tea.

The scone was warm and just the way we like them. Everything was perfect. If ever there was a topscone, this was it! The only problem was that we were having to leave all this behind. Sophie, with her wonderful warm smile had looked after us with fabulous carefree ease. Paul, like most islanders was a man of many talents. He would pop up working in the most unexpected places and now he was driving us to the ferry. What a guy!
We thoroughly enjoyed our first venture on the Isle of Coll. Another visit is now beckoning but maybe with a car next time. For those of you who feel that I should treat my wife better and not have her endure these cycling hardships, this is a photograph of her on the Isle of Tiree in 1974 just a year after we got married. See, she loves it!
It’s obvious
On that occasion we got these ancient bikes from old John MacDonald. He had a little cottage at the back of the Scaranish Hotel. Pat’s bike was fine but when I peddled mine nothing happened. John was watching us from his door and could see the problem. He was shouting but with his broad highland accent we couldn’t quite make out what he was saying. Turned out he was shouting “just hit it with stone“. Even when we knew it still didn’t make much sense. He, however, just laid the bike on its side, picked up a fairly large stone and hit the back cog with an almighty wallop … perfect! Why didn’t I think of that.
More distress
Eurovision will be in full swing tonight. This is Australia’s last year in the competition but what will happen if they win. Where will it be held next year. Suffice to say the folks at the Coll Hotel didn’t seem at all worried!
PA78 6SZ tel: 01879 230334 Coll Hotel
That pic of Pat is magic, really.
Inspired by Jacques Henri Lartigue?
Indeed Nigel, Lartigue was famous for his photographs of automobile races and female Parisian fashion models.
I do believe this was one of the few “TOP” scones you’ve reported enjoying, isn’t it, Bill?
Milan, we enjoy all our topscones but maybe this one was particularly good
We did have a great time on Coll, as Billy said the people are so friendly and we had a lovely room in the hotel, very comfortable with a door out to the garden where we could sit and watch, you would usually say here “the world go by” but there wasn’t a lot happening so it was just nice to sit and watch the water, birds etc. the scone was delicious. That picture of me on Tiree was a long time ago but I can remember the jacket and the bag, what am I like?
Are you hinting you need a new jacket?
I particularly like the pants tucked in to your socks, Aunt Pat. Smart thinking. Avoiding the chance of getting pant leg stuck in the chain. 🤔👏🏼
She’s always been a bit of a fashionista Glen!
This place looks like heaven on earth, plus a top – scone! You definitely will have to go back.
Our kind of place.