It’s quite a while since we have been here. The lovely hamlet of Abernyte lies in the Sidlaw Hills just west of Dundee. According to its own historical society, Abernyte has never been visited by anyone famous and nothing of interest has ever happened here … quite an achievement for a village that’s been around for at least 800 years! Just along the road however there is Dunsinane Hill made famous by Shakespeare; “Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him.” At a tad over 1000ft many might think that the bard was prone to a bit of exaggeration but it does mean that Dunsinane Hill qualifies as a Marilyn (hill over 150m). You probably are more aware of the hills over 3000 feet which are called Munros. See the connection?
Something is happening
Anyway some things happen in Abernyte, the Scottish Antique & Arts Centre was established a few years back on the outskirts of the village and 2016 sees the opening of Abernyte Brewery .. so, actually it’s all happening here. We used to be regular visitors to this SAAC and it’s sister establishment in Doune. Whilst we still like rummaging around amongst antiques, other things have taken up our time lately. Rummaging time has been sorely limited … but not today. We never know what we are looking for but when we see it we will want it and it will probably be something we absolutely don’t need. That’s how these places work.
After some serious rummaging though you are slowly but surely drawn towards Cafe Circa, the restaurant at the centre of the Centre .. the smell of coffee becomes overpowering. The restaurant is a French/Scottish concern and has a reputation for good food. When we arrived however it was late in the day and there didn’t seem to be any staff around. I ended up having to go to the counter to find someone. After that we were looked after very well. Their head baker, Michelle Stewart, won an award last year for her efforts but would her scones survive critical examination? No problem, nicely presented and excellent texture. The only slight blot on their copy book was the fact that we were not offered cream … like some other people who came after us .. boo! These scones were teetering on the brink of a topscone award but eventually just fell short .. shame.

Anaesthetic for the masses
If nothing has ever happened in Abernyte it would appear that nothing happens anywhere else either, at least according to the Auntie Beeb. With huge anti-austerity marches, taking place across Europe and now the Nuit Debout (Up All Night) movement coming to the UK, you wonder why there is no mention from our public broadcaster. Maybe no time left after endless reporting of Wills and Kate’s jollies in former colonies. Maybe it does not suit the government’s Remain stance on the EU. The BBC is akin to an anaesthetic for the masses. Don’t be surprised if you get a fifteen minute news bulletin informing you that nothing has happened in Abernyte. They probably have a correspondent there just in case something does happen!
PH14 9SJ tel: 01828 686044 Cafe Circa
Useful link: things to do in Dundee
Hi Bill,
Always interested to hear of your travels and discoveries. Abernyte sounds a good place for a rummage … And a scone!
Always thought Marilyn’s should be pairs of hills …… Like the Paps of Jura!
I am just off to remotest West Wales ….. Will report back on their sconability!
Best wishes … Charl
Take your point, excuse the pun, about Marilyn. Have a great time in Wales, look forward to a report.
We always enjoy a trip to Abernyte but arriving late doesn’t give you much time to rummage. No worries we will be back. We always get a nice cuppa there.